Monday, April 30, 2007
Definitely not a good Monday to begin the week with today. The only consolation is that tomorrow is a public holiday. ^^
First thing when I reached the office today is to receive news from my team leader that two colleagues of the call unit team for the merchants' hotline went on MC. (Supposedly 4 people in the call unit - planned leave for one of them, sudden MC for the other 2, leaving the last one standing. =/) Hence I got to help with the calls with my other colleague cum friend who would otherwise be taking the calls all by herself. Hence I had to multi-task so many things throughout the day especially the morning - taking calls + doing my morning reports + data entry + writing memos, causing my Monday morning to be not a very happy one.
Anyhow, things got better as the day passed by and my mood was gradually lifted. Could say that about more than half of my unit wasn't in for work today. >.<Anyway, several good movies are going to be released soon. Can't wait. There's Spider-Man 3 which opens tomorrow, Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End, Shrek III.* S H A T T E R E D
11:31 PM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Current mood: Disappointment* S H A T T E R E D
10:07 PM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
YAY. It's Friday tomorrow! And best of all I'm on half day as I have a dental checkup in the afternoon. Unfortunately, no leave for me on Monday which would otherwise allow me to have a 4-days long weekend! Since that is not going to happen, my conclusion is that Monday is a real spoiler...
Anyhow, girls' day out with Wan Ting and Kah Yee on Saturday followed by family dinner at my eldest sis's house. A pity Charm can't join us girls.Sunday? No plans yet.Monday night? A night out yet to be confirmed.Tuesday? A break at home. before work (!) starts again in the middle (?!) of the week :(Now?.. To sleep..* S H A T T E R E D
11:08 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Had a belated birthday celebration for Wan Ting on Friday, 20th Apr. Her birthday was on 18th Apr. A pretty fun day overall. Hope she enjoyed herself . Happy 19th Birthday Girl! :D
Me. Wan Ting. Charm.

My girls. (Kah Yee on the outermost left)
* S H A T T E R E D
6:30 PM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
What an experience it was going to MOS yesterday night with Charm, Wan Ting and Kah Yee! My first time clubbing, and it was definitely quite an eye-opener. There are some people I know who hates the clubbing environment that they don't want to go back there anymore, and there are some people who likes or don't mind the environment and would then frequent the clubs thereafter or wouldn't mind going clubbing again. I guess...I belong to the latter - don't mind the environment and wouldn't mind going again. x) Bleah okay, in the mean time, some pictures below!

( I like this picture the most but sadly Kah Yee and Charm's face got cut off =( )

I love my girls!
* S H A T T E R E D
10:55 AM
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Was clearing my emails when I came upon this interesting mail which I wanna share x) Definition of a Kiss
Depending on your background, you will view the world differently. Here is an example of how different people view "a kiss". Professor of Economics: A kiss is that thing for which the demand is always higher than the supply. Professor of Accountancy:A kiss is a credit because it is profitable when returned. Professor of Algebra:A kiss is infinity because it is two divided by nothing. Professor of Geometry:A kiss is the shortest distance between two lipsProfessor of Physics:A kiss is the contraction of the mouth due to the expansion of the heart. Professor of Chemistry: A kiss is the reaction of the interaction between two hearts. Professor of Zoology:A kiss is the interchange of salivary bacteria. Professor of Physiology: A kiss is the juxtaposition of two orbicularis oris muscles in the state of contraction. Professor of Dentistry:A kiss is infectious and antiseptic. Professor of Philosophy: A kiss is the persecution for the child, ecstasy for the youth and homage for the old. Professor of English:A kiss is a noun that is used as a conjunction, it is more common than proper, it is spoken in the plural and it is applicable to all. Professor of Architecture: A kiss is a process which builds a solid bond between the two dynamic objects. And the finale: Professor of Computer Science: What is a kiss? It seems to be an undefined variable. * S H A T T E R E D
8:02 PM