Friday, December 31, 2004
As reported on The Straits Times of 31 Dec 2004(today), the latest death toll of the tsunami incident has reached 123,188.
Indonesia - 79,940
Sri Lanka - 27,268
India - 13, 268
Thailand - 2, 400
Somalia - 132
Maldives - 67
Malaysia - 64
Myanmar - 36
Tanzania - 10
Bangladesh - 2
Kenya - 1
TOTAL - 132,188
Oh my goodness...I can't believe there are so many lives lost! I really feel for them.. May all this be over soon.
* S H A T T E R E D
1:55 PM
Woohoo...I went to the Night Safari with my 2nd sis and Mum just now. It was so cool! In fact I felt that the map of Night Safari showed us more animals in it than in the Singapore Zoo and I spotted the giraffe in Night Safari! Haha...not that I like giraffes a lot...just that when I went to the S'pore Zoo on my bdae this yr with Drey and Wee, we were wondering how come there's no giraffe..and now I know the reason why =) Anyways..we wanted to take pictures BUT flash photography wasn't allowed and pitch dark was all that was seen on the LCD screen if no flash is used(coz it's night time) and so we all just kept the animals in our memories =D I shant speak of the tour as it would be a very long essay den..haha so I shall skip to the animal show! Lol...the show was awesome...there was this part of the show which was particularly great! Three small recycle bins which were attached together were brought out wif rubbish(metal cans, plastic bottles and cups) placed in front of it. The most interesting part was that otters came out and actually picked up the rubbish and threw them into the recycle bins! To be more exact, there were three otters in total. AND each of them would pick up a certain type of item each. For eg, one otter would first pick up a metal can and place it into one recycle bin and then return to the rubbish pile to pick up the next metal can and return to throw it into the same recycle bin. But all three otters picked up different kinds of rubbish. One picked the metal cans, another picked the plastic bottles and the last one picked up the cups. The most adorable part was that the otters were really small! Maybe just a lil bigger than kittens? Yea they are that one very funny part was that one of the otters just refused to release the metal can into the bin and kept on juggling with it. haha...the whole audience was tickled by that otter and was laughing non-stop...finally just when we thought it would release the can, it still didnt! It still held on to that very first can by its mouth and den went to pick up the second one by its hand and after some time it finally threw all the various cans into the bin..(FINALLY..) haha..and the trainers would then give the animals food as a reward after they had completed their tasks. sum it all up, it was a wonderful show I must say..Those who have not been to the Night Safari should really go there someday..and make sure u catch the animal show! ;) It's really something not to be missed! =)
* S H A T T E R E D
1:24 AM
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Haha...had a class bbq today. be wasnt really a CLASS party. Just a gathering for those 4A peeps who wanted to go, in fact it was just the usual people who went - Me, Ain, L.Wanting, Evonne, Wei Yee, Weifen, Michelle Lee, Ann, Audrey, Sharienah, Jesslyn, Malcolm, Yilong, Zhu Xiang, Xin Rui, Karen K., Ailing and Jiawen. =) And so when we first reached there, we played captain's ball..with a basketball though..haha. Fortunately the BBQ pit is near a badminton court hence we had to make the best use of it isn't it?=D Who started drizzling! We then started to move all the belongings into a small pavillion just next to the pit. But the drizzle stopped just a while after. It's night kinda lazy to elaborate. Hehes..I'll just say the drizzle stopped and reoccurred for a few times. Luckily it was just a drizzle!Afterwhich we had a xmas gift exchange and I got a gel pen set from michelle...nice! Anyways den we continued to eat eat eat...DEN...they asked us to bring a small xmas tree ornament which Mich and Aud placed them all on a bench and blindfolded us one by one to pick one each. Haha...kinda lame but not too bad...I got a bell ornament. We played a few games at the end of the BBQ till about 10pm. The games were fun! Esp. 'King Kong Kang Kong'(guess not many pple know this game at all!) and Whacko...Lol. Fortunately the forfeit wasn't very bad..(which all of us wished it wasn't =)). Some of the people just mixed a "cocktail" and the 'loser' had to drink a mouth. The cocktail contained..rose syrup+orange syrup+pepsi+ice lemon tea+leftover cake bits! Haha...but it didn't taste so bad after all actually =X. Finally, all of us went home by ten plus and here I am posting this. I need to sleep now! Haha..or else I can forget about the visit to the new school! Hehes...Ok till next time guys..Good night! FOUR MORE DAYS TO..2005 (^_^)
* S H A T T E R E D
1:02 AM
Monday, December 20, 2004
I'm back! After a week of this and that...well I actually mean chalet, the release of our postings of 3-month JC and etc. And so the six of us(Lim Wanting, Evonne, Kah Yee, Ain, Nadira and I) had a chalet organized from 15th Dec to 17th Dec. It was fun...on the first day, just wondered around the chalet and used most of the time to play X-box in the cost $8 to rent a game for 24-hours, with just an additional 5 bucks to renew after the 24-hrs. On the 2nd day, we went to Escape Theme Park for almost the whole day...there were actually quite a few thrilling rides to speak of. Unfortunately, 'Inverter' was under checks and wasn't operating. One favourite ride was 'Alpha 8', commonly known as the Panasonic Ride, but we only managed to ride it 2 times..nonetheless it's fun! When it turns around the bends..I really felt like I was gonna drop down any moment! Haha...and the Go-Kart was also very fun...although going down the slope was pretty scary! And so we checked out the third day at about 11....which we all actually checked out which JC we're posted to for first three months through MOE hotline before that. And I found out...I'm going to Catholic JC!
Here's a list of the JCs I know people are going to:
- Me
- Lim Wanting
- Sharon
- Jobyna Teo (STC)
- Nikki Soo (CGS)
- Ailing
- Yi Long
- Zhu Xiang
- Michelle Lee
- Ann
- Cassandra Wong (CGS)
- Xin Yun (CGS)
- Lynette Chua (MGS)
- Malcolm
- Afiq
- Thiam Hee
- Lee Leng
- Jie Liang
- Bing Qin (not going due to work)
- Nurulain
- Pei Luan
- Cheryl
- Shu Yi (Tanglin SS)
- Pearlyn Yap (CTSS)
- Linda Chan (FMSS)
- Loh Jun Xiang (NHSS)
- Tan Jing Ping (St. Margarets SS)
- Evonne
- Li Jein
- Xin Rui
- Roxanne (FMSS)
- Karen Koh
- Jasmine Koh (CGS)
___________________________________________________________________________________ sum it all up..To all Sec. 4s Graduates: Enjoy your lives ahead and best wishes in all your future endeavours! We're all entering a new phase of our lives and hope it turns out all well! Even if it doesn't at some point in sure to overcome the problems with positivity! :)
* S H A T T E R E D
9:00 PM
Friday, December 10, 2004
Went to Spageddes at Paragon today with 2nd sis..the food was yummy!=) Was only able to go cuz my eldest sis had a UOB Credit Card 1-for-1 voucher..but anyways it was all thanks to her that we were able to eat such yummy food! but it's first time for me only..both my sistas ate it b4..hehx. Am going to have sushi buffet at Sakae Sushi @ Heeren tmr with Ngiap Yan, Justin Heng and maybe Brannon. Looking forward to it..heex. Cuz I just love Jap. food a lot!=) Too bad Birdie came down with tummy ache and some illness suddenly..or else it'll be more fun! haiz..alrightz wanna log off now.
* S H A T T E R E D
1:29 AM
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
::Background Music::
That's What Friends Are For
by The Singapore Idol Finalists
And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you
And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember...
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Well you came and opened me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you
And then for the times when we're apart
Well then close your eyes and know
These words are coming from my heart
And then if you can remember...
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
In good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
-=[*That's what friends are for*]=-
* S H A T T E R E D
6:39 PM
Monday, December 06, 2004
Oh are really difficult to find, not to say good jobs! mentioned in one of the previous posts, evonne, L.wanting and I got a job which we didnt think it was too bad and so we went for it today(6th Dec). BUT..door to door distribution of flyers may sound so simple and good to do, but it wasn't at all. All three of us were actually allocated about 11 blocks each. And at about the 3rd or 4th block, L.wanting called me and said that she was already feeling tired and didn't really want to continue, which was understandable. Because, the flats were of the old type and had quite a few partitons and had two sides to each staircase too. So, to distribute the flyers all by oneself was very tiring. So we decided to distribute them together which could save both time and energy. The most remarkable one was EvOnNe..even when wanting and I decided to stop distributing after about 5 blocks, she still continued to distribute the flyers by herself. Woah... anyways she finished 11 blocks(distributed about 800++) at 6 plus. Luckily..the supervisor who was taking care of us was very kind! He allows evonne to combine what wanting and I had distributed today to her pile and then she'll just have to distribute another 500++ tomorrow to reach a quota of 2000. There was no basic pay and we had to distribute 1000 pamphlets to get $20, which was pretty pathetic lar..tts y wanting and I gave up halfway. So..evonne would be able to get $40 tomorrow afterwhich she would split the 40 bucks by percentage to wanting and I. HaIz! what a bad day...and a bad start for a first job man. After 'toking' for so long...I guess I should stop now le ba..hehx...Till next time guys..=)
* S H A T T E R E D
10:02 PM
Sunday, December 05, 2004

So FrEaKy...
* S H A T T E R E D
8:21 PM
The LAST blog entry of the day: Mr West Spring's (Prom King'04) ghostly picture taken by Mr. Rudie. How much more freaky can this get?...I really don't know if it's real. I don't know if it's only Mr Rudie and I who can see it. Guys, do take note of the "thing"(more of a face and an invisible body) situated just at the first tree on the right. (Click on the above photo to view the entire picture)
* S H A T T E R E D
5:40 PM
Pieces Of Me by Ashlee Simpson
Album: Autobiography
On a Monday I am waiting
Tuesday I am fading
And By Wednesday I can't sleep
Then the phone rings I hear you
And the darkness is a clear view
Cause you've come to rescue me
Fall, with you I fall so fast
I can hardly catch my breath
I hope it lasts
It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
I am moody and messy
I get restless and it's senseless
How you never seem to care
When I'm angry, you listen
Make me happy, its your mission
And you won't stop till I'm there.
Fall, sometimes I fall so fast
When I hit that bottom crash
You're all I have
It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
How do you know?
Everything I'm about to say
Am I that obvious?
And if it's written on my face
I hope it never goes away
On a Monday I am waiting
By Tuesday I am fading
Into your arms
So I can breathe
It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
Pieces, pieces, pieces of me
* S H A T T E R E D
5:28 PM
Woah...after about 5 days or so of waiting in silence,L.wanting finally got a call from one of the employers! So...we're gonna start work tomorrow =D We're to distribute flyers, 1000 flyers for $20. Hmmm...I guess that's not too bad. Better than nothing! Hehx. I've been on the computer for about 3hrs++ and I think I am gonna suffer from radiation sickness. Feeling giddy already...argh...gotta go rest. Till next time...
* S H A T T E R E D
5:15 PM
I've succeeded in downloading the first skin! happy..all thanks to ek again. Lol..sorry ek but I just have to thank you..(he told me not to thank here thank there).'s really late now and I'm gonna sleep night everyone who's still awake! Tata..
* S H A T T E R E D
1:42 AM
Saturday, December 04, 2004
today was pretty boring. woke up already den went to wash up and came onto the comp. haiz..tried to find blogskins but don't really know how to download it. pretty confusing...can anyone teach me?=) well..den I had to log off the computer cuz my elder sis needed her room to prepare for some wedding dinner. So..slacked outside at the living room till she's gone. And before i knew it, it was already evening. I was supposed to go downstairs to Greenridge for dinner but was too lazy..hehx. 2nd sis packed dinner home for me. nine plus, my mum wanted to go buy sth and so my 2nd sis and I accompanied her. Here I am now, just back from the somewhat "shopping" trip and had decided to blog for the day. Oh wells...shall go look for the blog master-Eng Kiat, who helped me quite a bit, online now..hope he can of a help!=)
* S H A T T E R E D
11:41 PM
Friday, December 03, 2004
Finally completed the blog registration and this's my first serious proper blog..well I actually mean I didn't really care too much about my previous blogs. =x But now it's cuz jobs are really difficult to find, I just didnt get any confirmed jobs.(Waiting for the employers to inform me if I'm shortlisted) and it's just SO BORING u to create a proper blog.=) was soso. Went to celebrate Audrey's belated bitrthday by accompanying her to SpotLight at Plaza Singapura and watched a movie on the way. Aud, Mal and I went to watch Bridget Jones. It was pretty nice and quite funny. But it's weird how late the movie started. It's scheduled to be at 12.30pm but ended up starting at about 12.50pm..*scratch head*. Oh nvmz, after the movie, we went to SpotLight and Birthday Gal bought some paintbrushes and art stuff. Thereafter, we went to eat at the Kopitiam and the Ban Mian there was really not bad!'s really quite a big bowl. Couldn't finish it. Saw that it was visited by some food show too. We went home after the late lunch and here I am on the computer, looking for new things to do on the web. I have to go buy dinner for my dad and then meet my sis for to log off now. Till next time...Take Care![esp. JiaWen, who will be the first to read my blog =)]
* S H A T T E R E D
10:20 AM